Mlle Paule VASSEUR
Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire des Environnements Continentaux
UMR 7360 CNRS - Université de Lorraine

Campus Bridoux, Bât. IBISE, 8 rue du Général Delestraint

Tel :       +33(0)3 72 74 89 65
Fax :     +33(0)3 72 74 89 74
e-mail : paule.vasseur(@)

  • Publications internationales

HULIN M., SIROT V., VASSEUR P., MAHE A., LEBLANC J.-C., JEAN J., MARCHAND P., VENISSEAU A.,LE BIZEC B., RIVIÈRE G., 2020. Health risk assessment to dioxins, furans and PCBs in young children: The first French evaluation. Food And Chemical Toxicology 139 (Article Number 111292)     .  [doi]

NOUGADÈRE A., SIROT V., CRAVEDI J.-P., VASSEUR P., FEIDT C., FUSSELL R.-J., HU R.,LEBLANC J.-C., JEAN J., RIVIÈRE G., SARDA X., MERLO M., HULIN M., 2020. Dietary exposure to pesticide residues and associated health risks in infants and young children - Results of the French infant total diet study Environment International 137 (Article Number 105529)     .  [doi]

VIN K., RIVIÈRE G., LECONTE S., CRAVEDI J.-P., FREMY J.-M., OSWALD I.-P., ROUDOT A.-C., VASSEUR P., JEAN J., HULIN M., SIROT V., 2020. Dietary exposure to mycotoxins in the French infant total diet study. Food And Chemical Toxicology  140 (Article Number 111301).

RIVIÈRE G., JEAN J., GORECKI S., HULIN M., KOLF-CLAUW M., FEIDT C., PICARD-HAGEN N., VASSEUR P., LE BIZEC B., SIROT V., 2019. Dietary exposure to perfluoroalkyl acids, brominated flame retardants and health risk assessment in the French infant total diet study Food And Chemical Toxicology 131 (Article Number 110561)     .  [doi]

SIROT V., RIVIÈRE G., LECONTE S., VIN K., TRAORE T., JEAN J., CARBE G., GORECKI S., VEYRAND B., MARCHAND P., LE BIZEC B., CRAVEDI J.-P., FEIDT C., VASSEUR P., LAMBERT M., INTHAVONG C., GUÉRIN T., HULIN M., 2019. French infant total diet study: Dietary exposure to heat-induced compounds (acrylamide, furan and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) and associated health risks. Food And Chemical Toxicology 130, 308-316     .  [doi]

JEAN J., SIROT V., HULIN M., LE CALVEZ E., ZINCK J., NOEL L., VASSEUR P., NESSLANY F., GORECKI S., GUERIN T., RIVIERE G., 2018. Dietary exposure to cadmium and health risk assessment in children - Results of the French infant total diet study Food And Chemical Toxicology 115, 358-364.  [doi]

SIROT V., TRAORE T., GUERIN T., NOEL L., BACHELOT M., CRAVEDI J.-P., MAZUR A., GLORENNEC P., VASSEUR P., JEAN J., CARNE G., GORECKI S., RIVIERE G., HULIN M., 2018. French infant total diet study: Exposure to selected trace elements and associated health risks. Food And Chemical Toxicology 120, 625-633.  [doi]

GORECKI S., NESSLANY F., HUBE D., MULLOT J.-U., VASSEUR P., MARCHIONI E., CAMEL V., NOEL L., LE BIZEC B., GUERIN T., FEIDT C., ARCHER X., MAHE A., RIVIERE G., 2017. Human health risks related to the consumption of foodstuffs of plant and animal origin produced on a site polluted by chemical munitions of the First World War Science Of The Total Environment 599, 314-323.  [doi]

JACOBS M.-N., COLACCI A., LOUEKARI K., LUIJTEN M., HAKKERT B.-C., PAPARELLA M., VASSEUR P., 2016. International Regulatory Needs for Development of an IATA for Non-Genotoxic Carcinogenic Chemical Substances Altex-Alternatives To Animal Experimentation 33 (4), 359-392.  [doi]

JEAN J., SIROT V., VASSEUR P., NARBONNE J.-F., LEBLANC J.-C., VOLATIER J.-L., RIVIERE G., 2015. Impact of a modification of food regulation on cadmium exposure. Regulatory Toxicology And Pharmacology 73(1), 478-483.  [doi]

LEPAILLEUR A., BUREAU R., HALM-LEMEILLE M.-P., BOUQUET M., PECQUET R., PARIS-SOUBAYROL C., LE GOFF J., ANDRE V., LECLUSE Y., LEBAILLY P., MAIRE M.-A., VASSEUR P. , 2014. Assessment of the genotoxic and carcinogenic potentials of 3-aminothiophene derivatives using in vitro and in silico methodologies. Journal Of Applied Toxicology 34, 775-786..  [doi]

VASSEUR P., BONNARD M. , 2014. Ecogenotoxicology in earthworms: A review. Current Zoology 60, 255-272.

TILMANT K., GERETS H.-H.-J., DE RON P., COSSU-LEGUILLE C., VASSEUR P., DHALLUIN S., ATIENZAR F.-A. , 2013. The automated micronucleus assay for early assessment of genotoxicity in drug discovery. Mutation Research-Genetic Toxicology And Environmental Mutagenesis 751, 1-11..  [doi]

JACQUET N., MAIRE M.-A., LANDKOCZ Y., VASSEUR P., 2012. Carcinogenic potency of perfluorooctane sulfunate (PFOS) on Syrian hamster embryo (SHE) cells. Archives of Toxicology, 86 (2): 305-314.  [doi]

MAIRE M.-A., PANT K., PHRAKONKHAM P., POTH A., SCHWIND K.-R., RAST C., BRUCE S.W., SLY J.E., BOHNENBERGER S., KUNKELMANN T., SCHULZ M., VASSEUR P., 2012. Recommended protocol for the Syrian hamster embryo (SHE) cell transformation assay. Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 744 (1): 76-81.  [doi]

MAIRE M.-A., PANT K., POTH A., SCHWIND K.-R., RAST C., BRUCE S.W., SLY J.E., BOHNENBERGER S., KUNKELMANN T., ENGELHARDT M., SCHULZ M., VASSEUR P., 2012. Prevalidation study of the Syrian hamster embryo (SHE) cell transformation assay at pH 7.0 for assessment of carcinogenic potential of chemicals. Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 744 (1): 64-75.  [doi]

MAIRE M.-A., RAST C., VASSEUR P., 2012. Photo catalogue for the classification of cell colonies in the Syrian hamster embryo (SHE) cell transformation assay at pH 7.0. Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 744 (1): 97-110.  [doi]

MANAR R., VASSEUR P., BESSI H., 2012. Chronic toxicity of chlordane to Daphnia magna and Ceriodaphnia dubia: A comparative study. Environmental Toxicology, 27 (2): 90-97.  [doi]

VASSEUR P., LASNE C., 2012. OECD Detailed Review Paper (DRP) number 31 on «Cell Transformation Assays for Detection of Chemical Carcinogens»: main results and conclusions. Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 744 (1): 8-11.  [doi]

LANDKOCZ Y., POUPIN P., ATIENZAR F., VASSEUR P., 2011. Transcriptomic effects of di-(2-ethylhexyl)-phthalate in Syrian hamster embryo cells: an important role of early cytoskeleton disturbances in carcinogenesis? BMC Genomics, 12: 524e.  [doi]

MANAR R., BONNARD M., RAST C., VEBER A.-M., VASSEUR P., 2011. Ecotoxicity of cyanide complexes in industrially contaminated soils. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 197: 369-377.  [doi]

OUVRARD S., BARNIER C., BAUDA P., BÉGUIRISTAIN T., BIACHE C., BONNARD M., CAUPERT C., CÉBRON A., CORTET J., COTELLE S., DAZY M., FAURE P., MASFARAUD J.-F., NAHMANI J., PALAIS F., POUPIN P., RAOULT N., VASSEUR P., MOREL J.-L., LEYVAL C., 2011. In situ assessment of phytotechnologies for multicontaminated soil management. Int. J. Phytoremediation, 13, 245-263..  [doi]

SANTINI O., CHAHBANE N., VASSEUR P., FRANK H., 2011. Effects of low-level copper exposure on Ca2+-ATPase and carbonic anhydrase in the freshwater bivalve Anodonta anatina Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, 93 (9): 1826-1837.  [doi]

TILMANT K., GERETS H.H.J., DHALLUIN S., HANON E., DEPELCHIN O., COSSU-LEGUILLE C., VASSEUR P., ATIENZAR F., 2011. Comparison of a genomic and a multiplex cell imaging approach for the detection of phospholipidosis. Toxicology in Vitro, 25 (7): 1414-1424.  [doi]

BIGOT A., VASSEUR P., RODIUS F., 2010. SOD and CAT cDNA cloning, and expression pattern of detoxification genes in the freshwater bivalve Unio tumidus transplanted into the Moselle river. Ecotoxicology, 19 (2): 369-376.  [doi]

BONNARD M., DEVIN S., LEYVAL C., MOREL J.-L., VASSEUR P., 2010. The influence of thermal desorption on genotoxicity of multi-polluted soil. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 73 (5): 955-960.  [doi]

GUERLET E., VASSEUR P., GIAMBÉRINI L., 2010. Spatial and temporal variations of biological responses to environmental pollution in the freshwater zebra mussel. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 73 (6): 1170-1181.  [doi]

MAIRE M.-A., BAZIN E., FESSARD V., RAST C., HUMPAGE A.R., VASSEUR P., 2010. Morphological cell transformation of Syrian hamster embryo (SHE) cells by the cyanotoxin, cylindrospermopsin. Toxicon, 55 (7): 1317-1322 .  [doi]

BIGOT A., DOYEN P., VASSEUR P., RODIUS F., 2009. Metallothionein coding sequence identification and seasonal mRNA expression of detoxification genes in the bivalve Corbicula fluminea. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 72 (2): 382-387.  [doi]

BONNARD M., EOM I.-C., MOREL J.-L., VASSEUR P., 2009. Genotoxic and reproductive effects of an industrially contaminated soil on the earthworm Eisenia fetida. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis, 50 (1): 60-67.  [doi]

MANAR R., BESSI H., VASSEUR P., 2009. Reproductive effects and bioaccumulation of chlordane in Daphnia magna. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 28 (10): 2150-2159.  [doi]

CHATY S., RODIUS F., LANHERS M.-C., BURNEL D., VASSEUR P., 2008. Induction of CYP1A1 in rat liver after ingestion of mussels contaminated by Erika fuel oils. Archives of Toxicology, 82 (2): 75-80.  [doi]

COFFINET S., COSSU-LEGUILLE C., BASSÈRES A., GONNET J.-F., VASSEUR P., 2008. Response of the bivalve Unio tumidus and freshwater communities in artificial streams for hazard assessment of methyl methacrylate. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 27 (6): 1371-1382.  [doi]

COFFINET S., COSSU-LEGUILLE C., RODIUS F., VASSEUR P., 2008. Glutamate cysteine ligase (GCL) in the freshwater bivalve Unio tumidus: impact of storage conditions and seasons on activity and identification of partial coding sequence of the catalytic subunit. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part B, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, 151 (1): 88-95.  [doi]

DOYEN P., BIGOT A., VASSEUR P., RODIUS F., 2008. Molecular cloning and expression study of pi-class glutathione S-transferase (pi-GST) and selenium-dependent glutathione peroxidase (Se-GPx) transcripts in the freshwater bivalve Dreissena polymorpha. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C-Toxicology & Pharmacology, 147 (1): 69-77.  [doi]

VASSEUR P., BONNARD M., PALAIS F., EOM I.-C., MOREL J.-L., 2008. Bioavailability of chemical pollutants in contaminated soils and pitfalls of chemical analyses in hazard assessment. Environmental Toxicology, 23 (5): 652-656.  [doi]

EOM I.-C., RAST C., VEBER A.-M., VASSEUR P., 2007. Ecotoxicity of a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)-contaminated soil. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 67 (2): 190-205.  [doi]

MAIRE M.-A., RAST C., LANDKOCZ Y., VASSEUR P., 2007. 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid: Effects on Syrian hamster embryo (SHE) cell transformation, c-Myc expression, DNA damage and apoptosis. Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, 631 (2): 124-136.  [doi]

COFFINET S., COSSU-LEGUILLE C., BASSÈRES A., GONNET J.-F., VASSEUR P., 2006. Artificial streams in the assessment of environmental hazard of chemicals. Environmental Toxicology, 21 (5): 450-456.  [doi]

DOYEN P., VASSEUR P., RODIUS F., 2006. Identification, sequencing and expression of selenium-dependent glutathione peroxidase transcript in the freshwater bivalve Unio tumidus exposed to Aroclor 1254. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Toxicology & Pharmacology, 144 (2): 122-129.  [doi]

PACHURA-BOUCHET S., BLAISE C., VASSEUR P., 2006. Toxicity of nonylphenol on the cnidarian Hydra attenuata and environmental risk assessment. Environmental Toxicology, 21 (4 Special Issue SI): 388-394.  [doi]

VASSEUR P., COSSU-LEGUILLE C., 2006. Linking molecular interactions to consequent effects of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) upon populations. Chemosphere, 62 (7): 1033-1042.  [doi]

DI MARZIO W.D., SAENZ M.E., LEMIÈRE S., VASSEUR P., 2005. Improved single-cell gel electrophoresis assay for detecting DNA damage in Eisenia foetida. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis, 46 (4): 246-252.  [doi]

DOYEN P., VASSEUR P., RODIUS F., 2005. cDNA cloning and expression pattern of pi-class glutathione S-transferase in the freshwater bivalves Unio tumidus and Corbicula fluminea. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. C. Toxicology & Pharmacology, 140 (3-4): 300-308.  [doi]

LEMIÈRE S., COSSU-LEGUILLE C., BISPO A., JOURDAIN M.-J., LANHERS M.-C., BURNEL D., VASSEUR P., 2005. DNA damage measured by the single-cell gel electrophoresis (Comet) assay in mammals fed with mussels contaminated by the 'Erika' oil-spill. Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 581 (1-2): 11-21.  [doi]

LEMIÈRE S., COSSU-LEGUILLE C., CHARISSOU A.-M., VASSEUR P., 2005. DNA damage (comet assay) and 8-oxodGuo (HPLC-EC) in relation to oxidative stress in the freshwater bivalve Unio tumidus. Biomarkers, 10 (1): 41-57.

MAIRE M.-A., RAST C., PAGNOUT C., VASSEUR P., 2005. Changes in expression of bcl-2 and bax in Syrian hamster embryo (SHE) exposed to ZnCl2. Archives of Toxicology, 79 (2): 90-101.  [doi]

MAIRE M.-A., RAST C., VASSEUR P., 2005. Di-(ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) increases Bcl-2/Bax ratio and modifies c-myc expression in Syrian hamster embryo (SHE) cells. Toxicology Letters, 158 (3): 237-245.  [doi]

MULTIGNER L., CATALA M., CORDIER S., DELAFORGE M., FENAUX P., GARNIER R., RICO-LATTES I., VASSEUR P., 2005. The INSERM expert review on glycol ethers: findings and recommendations. Toxicology Letters, 156 (1): 29-37.  [doi]

PACHURA S., CAMBON J.P., BLAISE C., VASSEUR P., 2005. 4-Nonylphenol induced toxicity and apoptosis in Hydra attenuata. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 24 (12): 3085-3091.  [doi]

VASSEUR P., TOUTAIN P.L., CRAVÉDI J.-P., 2005. Les contaminants organiques déterminants environnementaux de la santé des populations. Toxicologie, Santé, Environnement, pp. 1-18. In: Santé-environnement et Santé-travail. Nouvelles perspectives de recherches : actes du séminaire de prospective scientifique et de lancement du programme de recherche du Plan national santé environnement et du Plan santé travail. Paris, Ministère délégué à la recherche..

CHARISSOU A.-M., COSSU-LEGUILLE C., VASSEUR P., 2004. Relationship between two oxidative stress biomarkers, malondialdehyde and 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2'-deoxyguanosine, in the freshwater bivalve Unio tumidus. Science of the Total Environment, 322 (1-3): 109-122.  [doi]

CHATY S., RODIUS F., VASSEUR P., 2004. A comparative study of the expression of CYP1A and CYP4 genes in aquatic invertebrate (freshwater mussel, Unio tumidus) and vertebrate (rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss). Aquatic Toxicology, 69 (1): 81-93.  [doi]

LEMIÈRE S., COSSU-LEGUILLE C., BISPO A., JOURDAIN M.-J., LANHERS M.-C., BURNEL D., VASSEUR P., 2004. Genotoxicity related to transfer of oil spill pollutants from mussels to mammals via food. Environmental Toxicology, 19 (4): 387-395.  [doi]

LEMIÈRE S., COSSU-LEGUILLE C., CHATY S., RODIUS F., BISPO A., JOURDAIN M.-J., LANHERS M.-C., BURNEL D., VASSEUR P., 2004. Genotoxic and CYP 1A enzyme effects consecutive to the food transfer of oil spill contaminants from mussels to mammals. Aquatic Living Resources, 17: 303-307.  [doi]

RODIUS F., HAMMER C., VASSEUR P., 2004. Use of RNA-arbitrarily-primed PCR to detect the induction of gene expression in freshwater bivalves (Unio tumidus) transplanted into the Moselle River. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis, 43 (4): 209-216.  [doi]

VASSEUR P., ALEXANDRE S., BESSI H., MAIRE M.-A., RAST C., ELIAS Z.E., LASNE C., 2004. The SHE cell transformation assay as predictor of carcinogenicity: performances and comparison with Balb 3T3 and C3H 10T1/2. Mutagenesis, 19 (6): 507-508.

VASSEUR P., LEGUILLE C., 2004. Defense systems of benthic invertebrates in response to environmental stressors. Environmental Toxicology, 19 (4): 433-436.  [doi]

ALEXANDRE S., RAST C., MAIRE M.-A., ORFILA L., VASSEUR P., 2003. ZnCl2 induces Syrian hamster embryo (SHE) cell transformation. Toxicology Letters, 142 (1-2): 77-87.  [doi]

GRAFF L., ISNARD P., CELLIER P., BASTIDE J., CAMBON J.P., NARBONNE J.-F., BUDZINSKI H., VASSEUR P., 2003. Toxicity of chemicals to microalgae in river and in standard waters. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 22 (6): 1368-1379.  [doi]

VASSEUR P., COSSU-LEGUILLE C., 2003. Biomarkers and community indices as complementary tools for environmental safety. Environment International, 28 (8): 711-717.  [doi]

ALEXANDRE S., RAST C., NGUYEN-BA G., VASSEUR P., 2002. ZnCl2 prevents c-myc repression and apoptosis in serum-deprived Syrian hamster embryo cells. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 11 (3-4): 191-196.  [doi]

CHATY S., LEMIÈRE S., COSSU-LEGUILLE C., RODIUS F., BISPO A., JOURDAIN M.-J., LANHERS M.-C., BURNEL D., VASSEUR P., 2002. Food contamination transfer of Erika pollutants from mussels to mammals, Les évaluations des suites du naufrage de l'Erika. IFREMER, Nantes, 23-25 janvier 2002..

DEVILLERS J., CHEZEAU A., THYBAUD E., POULSEN V., GRAFF L., VASSEUR P., CHENON P., MOUCHET F., FERRIER V., QUINIOU F., 2002. Ecotoxicity of ethylene glycol monomethyl ether and its acetate. Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods, 12 (4): 241-254.

DEVILLERS J., CHEZEAU A., THYBAUD E., POULSEN V., PORCHER J.-M., GRAFF L., VASSEUR P., MOUCHET F., FERRIER V., QUINIOU F., 2002. Ecotoxicity of ethylene glycol monobutyl ether and its acetate. Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods, 12 (4): 255-263.

RODIUS F., HAMMER C., VASSEUR P., 2002. Use of RNA arbitrarily primed PCR to identify genomic alterations in the digestive gland of the freshwater bivalve Unio tumidus at a contaminated site. Environmental Toxicology, 17 (6): 538-546.  [doi]

ALEXANDRE S., RAST C., NGUYEN-BA G., POIRIER G.G., VASSEUR P., 2000. PARP degradation in apoptotic Syrian hamster embryo (SHE) cells compared to HL60 cell line. Biochimie, 82 (12): 1115-1122.  [doi]

ALEXANDRE S., RAST C., NGUYEN-BA G., VASSEUR P., 2000. Detection of apoptosis induced by topoisomerase inhibitors and serum deprivation in Syrian hamster embryo cells. Experimental Cell Research, 255 (1): 30-39.  [doi]

COSSU-LEGUILLE C., DOYOTTE A., BABUT M., EXINGER A., VASSEUR P., 2000. Antioxidant biomarkers in freshwater bivalves, Unio tumidus, in response to different contamination profiles of aquatic sediments. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 45 (2): 106-121.  [doi]

RADIX P., LÉONARD M., PAPANTONIOU C., ROMAN G., SAOUTER E., GALLOTTI-SCHMITT S., THIÉBAUD H., VASSEUR P., 2000. Comparison of four chronic toxicity tests using algae, bacteria, and invertebrates assessed with sixteen chemicals. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 47 (2): 186-194.  [doi]

BÉKAERT C., RAST C., FERRIER V., BISPO A., JOURDAIN M.-J., VASSEUR P., 1999. Use of in vitro (Ames and Mutatox tests) and in vivo (Amphibian Micronucleus test) assays to assess the genotoxicity of leachates from a contaminated soil. Organic Geochemistry, 30 (8, part 2): 953-962.  [doi]

BESSI H., COSSU-LEGUILLE C., ZAID A., VASSEUR P., 1999. Effects of chlorothalonil on glutathione and glutathione-dependent enzyme activities in Syrian hamster embryo cells. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 63 (5): 582-589.  [doi]

COMBES R., BALLS M., CURREN R., FISCHBACH M., FUSENIG N., KIRKLAND D., LASNE C., LANDOLPH J., LEBOEUF R., MARQUARDT H., MCCORMICK J., MULLER L., RIVEDAL E., SABBIONI E., TANAKA N., VASSEUR P., YAMASAKI H., 1999. Cell transformation assays as predictors of human carcinogenicity.The report and recommendations of ECVAM Workshop 39. ATLA-Alternatives to Laboratory Animals, 27 (5): 745-767.

COSSU-LEGUILLE C., DOYOTTE A., BABUT M., EXINGER A., VASSEUR P., 1999. Responses of antioxidant parameters and lipid peroxidation in freshwater bivalves, Unio tumidus, exposed to different contamination profiles of aquatic sediments, pp. O G4-1-2. SECOTOX 99 - 5th European conference on Ecotoxicology and environmental safety. Münich, Germany, 15-17 March 1999..

CRUCIANI V., RAST C., ALEXANDRE S., NGUYEN-BA G., VASSEUR P., 1999. Peroxisome proliferator-induced transformation of Syrian hamster embryo cells: Influence of experimental procedures. Toxicology in Vitro, 13 (3): 445-457.  [doi]

DHALLUIN S., ELIAS Z., POIROT O., GATE L., PAGES N., TAPIERO H., VASSEUR P., NGUYEN-BA G., 1999. Apoptosis inhibition and ornithine decarboxylase superinduction as early epigenetic events in morphological transformation of Syrian hamster embryo cells exposed to a 2-methoxyacetaldehyde, a metabolite of 2-methoxyethanol. Toxicology Letters, 105 (2): 163-175.  [doi]

NGUYEN-BA G., VASSEUR P., 1999. Epigenetic events during the process of cell transformation induced by carcinogens (review). Oncology Reports, 6 (4): 925-932.

RADIX P., LÉONARD M., PAPANTONIOU C., ROMAN G., SAOUTER E., GALLOTTI-SCHMITT S., THIÉBAUD H., VASSEUR P., 1999. Comparison of Brachionus calyciflorus 2-D and Microtox (R) chronic 22-h tests with Daphnia magna 21-d test for the chronic toxicity assessment of chemicals. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 18 (10): 2178-2185.  [doi]

VASSEUR P., GARRIC J., EXINGER A., SLOMIANNY C., PIHAN J.-C., 1999. Validation d'indicateurs biologiques de la contamination des écosystèmes hydriques dulçaquicoles, pp. 105-122. Colloque PNETOX 'Préserver et améliorer la qualité des milieux'. Paris, 8-9 décembre..

ATIENZAR F., DESOR D., BURNEL D., KELLER J.-M., LEHR P., VASSEUR P., 1998. Effect of aluminum on superoxide dismutase activity in the adult rat brain. Biological Trace Element Research, 65 (1): 19-30.

DHALLUIN S., ELIAS Z., CRUCIANI V., BESSI H., POIROT O., RAST C., GATE L., PAGES N., TAPIERO H., VASSEUR P., NGUYEN-BA G., 1998. Two-stage exposure of Syrian hamster embryo cells to environmental carcinogens - superinduction of ornithine decarboxylase correlates with increase of morphological-transformation frequency. International Journal of Cancer, 75: 744-749.  [doi]

MARCHAL P., OZANNE G., VASSEUR P., 1998. Glass test chamber model to evaluate pesticide air emissions from treated wood. Indoor & Built Environment, 7: 47-53.

VASSEUR P., OSBILD D., BABUT M., 1998. Détection en continu de la toxicité des eaux, pp. 113-126. In: Chartier-Touzé N., Galvin Y., Lévêque C., Souchon Y. (Eds). Etat de santé des écosystèmes aquatiques : les variables biologiques comme indicateurs : actes du séminaire national Hydrosystèmes, Paris 2-3 novembre 1994. 2ème éd. Paris: Cemagref..

COSSU C., DOYOTTE A., JACQUIN M.C., BABUT M., EXINGER A., VASSEUR P., 1997. Glutathione reductase, selenium-dependent glutathione peroxidase, glutathione levels, and lipid peroxidation in freshwater bivalves, Unio tumidus, as biomarkers of aquatic contamination in field studies. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 38 (2): 122-131.  [doi]

CRUCIANI V., DURAND M.J., RAST C., NGUYEN-BA G., VASSEUR P., 1997. Comparative effects of clofibrate and MCP on morphological transformation and intercellular communication of SHE cells. Carcinogenesis, 18 (4): 701-706.

CRUCIANI V., MIKALSEN S.O., VASSEUR P., SANNER T., 1997. Effects of peroxisome proliferators and 12-0 tetradecanoyl phorbol-13-acetate on intercellular communication and connexin43 in two hamster fibroblast systems. International Journal of Cancer, 73: 240-248.  [doi]

DHALLUIN S., GATE L., VASSEUR P., TAPIERO H., NGUYEN-BA G., 1997. Dysregulation of ornithine decarboxylase activity, apoptosis and Bcl-2 oncoprotein in Syrian hamster embryo cells stage-exposed to di(2ethylhexyl)phtalate and tetradecanoylphorbol acetate. Carcinogenesis, 18 (11): 2217-2223.

DOYOTTE A., COSSU C., JACQUIN M.C., BABUT M., VASSEUR P., 1997. Antioxydant enzymes, glutathione and lipid peroxydation as relevant biomarkers of experimental or field exposure in the gills and the digestive gland of the freshwater bivalve Unio tumidus. Aquatic Toxicology, 39 (2): 93-110.  [doi]

HOFLACK J.C., DURAND M.-J., POIRIER G.G., MAUL A., VASSEUR P., 1997. Alteration in methyl-methanesulfonate-induced poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation by 2-butoxyethanol in Syrian hamster embryo cells. Carcinogenesis, 18 (12): 2333-2338.

HOFLACK J.C., VASSEUR P., POIRIER G.G., 1997. Glycol ethers induce death and necrosis in human leukemia cells. Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 75 (4): 415-425.  [doi]

CRUCIANI V., BESSI H., ALEXANDRE S., DURAND M.J., RAST C., NGUYEN-BA G., VASSEUR P., 1996. She cell transformation assay as a predictive system for carcinogenicity of PAH and non-genotoxic carcinogens. Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 10 (1-4): 307-314.

GODET F., BABUT M., BURNEL D., VEBER A.-M., VASSEUR P., 1996. The genotoxicity of iron and chromium in electroplating effluents. Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, 370 (1): 19-28.  [doi]

YAMASAKI H., ASHBY J., BIGNAMI M., JONGEN W., LINNAINMAA K., NEWBOLD R.F., NGUYEN-BA G., PARODI S., RIVEDAL E., SCHIFFMANN D., SIMONS J., VASSEUR P., 1996. Nongenotoxic carcinogens: Development of detection methods based on mechanisms: A European project. Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, 353 (1-2): 47-63.  [doi]

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HOFLACK J.C., LAMBOLEZ L., ELIAS Z., VASSEUR P., 1995. Mutagenicity of ethylene glycol ethers and of their metabolites in Salmonella typhimurium his. Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 341 (4): 281-287.  [doi]

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BENHRA A., FÉRARD J.-F., VASSEUR P., 1994. Factorial design to optimize the viability of the alga Scenedesmus subspicatus after cryopreservation. Cryo Letters, 15 (5): 269-278.

BESSI H., RAST C., NGUYEN-BA G., VASSEUR P., 1994. Chlorothalonil promotes morphological transformation in hamster embryo cells but does not inhibit GAP junctional intercellular communication either in SHE cells or in the V79 cell line. Cancer Journal, 7 (6): 248-253.

LAMBOLEZ L., VASSEUR P., FÉRARD J.-F., GISBERT T., 1994. The environmental risks of industrial-waste disposal: an experimental approach including acute and chronic toxicity studies. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 28 (3): 317-328.  [doi]

GODET F., VASSEUR P., BABUT M., 1993. Essais de génotoxicité in vitro et in vivo applicables à l' environnement hydrique. Revue des Sciences de l'Eau, 6 (3): 285-314.

HOFLACK J.C., FÉRARD J.-F., VASSEUR P., BLAISE C., 1993. An attempt to improve the SOS chromotest responses. Journal of Applied Toxicology, 13 (5): 315-319.

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BESSI H., FÉRARD J.-F., VASSEUR P., COLIN F., BELKHADIR E., 1992. Genotoxicity of hazardous leachates from solid-wastes evaluated for environmental-impact with the Ames test. Environmental Toxicology and Water Quality, 7 (1): 71-86.

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ROBERTS S., VASSEUR P., DIVE D., 1990. Combined effects between atrazine, copper and Ph, on target and nontarget species. Water Research, 24 (4): 485-491.  [doi]

RETEUNA C., VASSEUR P., CABRIDENC R., 1989. Performances of 3 bacterial assays in toxicity assessment. Hydrobiologia, 188: 149-153.

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VASSEUR P., PANDARD P., BURNEL D., 1988. Influence of some experimental factors on metal toxicity to Selenastrum capricornutum. Toxicity Assessment, 3 (3): 331-343.

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JOUANY J.-M., TRUHAUT R., VASSEUR P., KLEIN D., FÉRARD J.-F., DESCHAMPS P., 1985. An example of interaction between environmental pollutants: modification of thiram toxicity to fresh-water organisms by nitrites or nitrates in relation to nitrosamine synthesis. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 9 (3): 327-338.  [doi]

JOUANY J.-M., VASSEUR P., FÉRARD J.-F., LELANDAIS D., TRUHAUT R., 1985. Modèle d'étude de l'écotoxicité à moyen terme des substances chimiques. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences de Paris, Sciences de la Vie, 301 (13): 615-619.

BLAISE C., LEGAULT R., BERMINGHAM N., VAN COILLIE R., VASSEUR P., 1984. An EC-50 algal growth inhibition microtest using ATP measurements. Sciences et Techniques de l'Eau, 17 (3): 245-250.

DIVE D., FOURMAUX M.N., VASSEUR P., PUSSARD M., PONS R., MARAIS B., 1984. Thiram toxicity to non-target organisms: a comparative study with protozoan and mammalian cells. Environmental Pollution. Series A, Ecological and Biological, 36 (2): 121-131.  [doi]

VASSEUR P., FÉRARD J.-F., VIAL J., LARBAIGT G., 1984. Comparison of the microtox and Daphnia tests for the evaluation of the acute toxicity of industrial effluent. Environmental Pollution. Series A, Ecological and Biological, 34 (3): 225-235.  [doi]

FÉRARD J.-F., JOUANY J.-M., TRUHAUT R., VASSEUR P., 1983. Accumulation of cadmium in a freshwater food chain experimental model. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 7 (1): 43-52.  [doi]

JOUANY J.-M., FÉRARD J.-F., VASSEUR P., GEA J., TRUHAUT R., RAST C., 1983. Interest of dynamic tests in acute ecotoxicity assessment in algae. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 7 (2): 216-228.  [doi]

JOUANY J.-M., VASSEUR P., FÉRARD J.-F., 1982. Ecotoxicité directe et intégrée du chrome hexavalent sur deux niveaux trophiques associés: Chlorella vulgaris et Daphnia magna. Environmental Pollution. Series A, Ecological and Biological, 27 (3): 207-221.  [doi]

JOUANY J.-M., VASSEUR P., FÉRARD J.-F., TRUHAUT R., 1981. Interest of midterm integrated ecotoxicity testing for studying transfer through tropic route of toxic substances. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences de Paris, Sciences de la Vie, 292 (22): 1159-1162.